This past week has, as you can imagine, changed my perspective in a lot of ways. But there is one new feeling I didn't expect.
When I first got to know my husband in college, I thought he was adorable. I was also attracted to the things about him that might have been less obvious to the world. His nerdy sense of humor, his good-natured social skills, and his very open and willing heart for the Lord. Through the glasses, math major, awkwardly going out on a limb to connect attitude, and ready understanding of Star Wars jokes, I saw a man that I knew I could live with. As time went on, he became the man I couldn't live without.
That said, I never knew how truly, incredibly, hot my husband was until this week. An emergency C-section left me unable to do as much for the baby as I had anticipated, and Greg stepped right up and took over diaper changing, swaddling, washing and soothing Henry when I couldn't. He also helped me get into the shower, got me food when I was hungry, and managed to entertain the hoards of visitors so that I could rest.
Then just last night I heard the baby cry in his crib. I rushed in because it wasn't the usual time for him to be up, and something didn't seem right. I found my little guy with spit-up coming from his mouth and nose. He was struggling to cry and choking. Greg was right behind me and grabbed him and told me where to find the sucky syringe thingy. I ran as fast as my post-op body would allow and frantically searched. I finally found one and raced back to the nursery. When I got to the door, I saw what at first seemed like Greg giving Henry little kisses on his face. Then I realized, he was sucking the vomit out of his airways and spitting it out into a baby wipe.
Now I'm pretty sure most women would not put vomit-sucking at the top of the list for turn-ons. Maybe it's just because I'm so crazy about this baby, or maybe it's because Greg seems like such a rare bird in a society that seems full of dead-beats.
But all I know is, there is nothing sexier than a good daddy.