Saturday, November 26, 2011

17 Weeks!

How far along? 17 Weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: The last OB appointment I was down 6 lbs. Hoping for a gain this week.

Maternity clothes? Packing up anything non-maternity until after the big move. Although Greg's clothes are still more comfy than my maternity jeans.

Sleep: So-so, but with crazy detailed dreams.

Best moment this week: Running around Walmart on Thurs. night with Greg. I missed out on Black Friday last year so I was doubly excited.

Movement: Sometimes, I think I feel it, but my tummy is so crazy that I'm not positive.

Food cravings: Tomatoes, Smoothies, red jello. I'm still throwing up unless I take my medicine, but hopefully things will get better soon. I have had more good days.

Gender: Still team green, but the idea of waiting to paint the kids' room at our new place is going to kill me.

Labor Signs: Thankfully no.

Belly Button in or out? In. Last time I never popped.

What I miss: Comfort food. All the yummy stuff that used to cheer me up just looks gross.

What I am looking forward to: OB appointment on Wed. I never get tired of seeing a tiny little person swimming around inside of me!

Weekly Wisdom: Even when we have practically nothing, we still have so much to thank the Lord for.

Milestones: During Black Friday nonsense, a lady behind me yelled, "careful, don't run over the pregnant lady!" First time someone thought I looked pregnant. Granted it was after a turkey dinner, but still cool that she thought pregnant and not just fat :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Could it be? I ate twice today without throwing up and didn't feel the need to lie down with the lights off once. I did all the laundry that's been piling up and even went to Target for some emergency groceries for Henry. The car ride was definitely still bad but again, I finally made it through a day without vomiting!!! I really feel like someone must be praying for me because today was wonderful.