Wednesday, February 15, 2012

30 Weeks!

How far along? 30 Weeks and baby is measuring right on target.

Total weight gain/loss: Gained more weight in the last two weeks, bringing me back to the weight I was at the first appointment. I'm a little nervous because I've got 10 weeks to go and now that I'm gaining I think it's going to pile on quick!

Maternity clothes? I can still wear most of the same stuff, but some of my tank tops are getting tight. My T-shirts don't really fit anymore so I borrow Greg's when I need to.

Sleep: Rough. Greg falls asleep in bed and then usually moves to the couch to give me some space at some point during the night.

Best moment this week: Adorable 3-D ultrasound pictures! Baby looks like Henry. Henry was at the appointment and when we asked who was in the picture he said "That's my little sister!" Wonder if he knows something we don't?

Movement: Kicking up a storm, except when someone else tries to feel :)

Food cravings: Ice cream, chocolate.

Gender: Starting to hope for a girl now. Up until a few weeks ago I really just wanted another boy. I guess my niece and I are getting closer and I'm starting to think a daughter wouldn't be so bad. At least for the first couple of years anyway :)

Labor Signs: Nothing.

Belly Button in or out? Just shallow.

What I miss: My grace. Haha, I've really been super graceful but I have definitely reached the point where I feel like a beached whale most of the time, and bending over or squatting down is getting a lot harder.

What I am looking forward to: Finding out if I have a son or a daughter!

Weekly Wisdom: You don't need to know what you're having to bond.

Milestones: 7 Month mark!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

28 Weeks

How far along? Let's say 28 weeks, despite the previous confusion. Baby is measuring a little less, about 28th percentile.

Total weight gain/loss: Gained FIVE LBS this time! Crazy. So I'm still down 4 since the first app.

Maternity clothes? Same stuff, my T-shirts are tight so I'm conscripting Greg's.

Sleep: Greg spent the last 3 nights on the couch and it was wonderful!!! Never thought we'd resort to this but with me thrashing around trying to get comfortable and not having enough room and then getting up to pee every two hours both of us were starting to lose it from the sleep deprivation. Not sure if we'll keep it up or just take breaks to catch up on sleep.

Best moment this week: When I realized I made it the whole week without throwing up! Still nauseous sometimes but now I can eat regularly and I'm not expecting it every day. I didn't even throw up after the glucose screening!

Movement: Very active, and now I can usually tell what position the baby's in.

Food cravings: Chicken, Honey Bunches of Oats, Mexican food as always.

Gender: I'm thinking girl now. Just because I can't think of one name I like and I have like five perfectly good boy names.

Labor Signs: Contractions when I walk around a lot, but not serious.

Belly Button in or out? Still in.

What I miss: My energy. The ability to lift heavy objects (guilt free).

What I am looking forward to: This is not a baby thing necessarily, but I really can't wait for us to move. I want to nest big time!

Weekly Wisdom: While babies don't technically need lampshade covers on their ceiling lights that coordinate with original wall art, this is how mine will know it's loved :)

Milestones: Viability.