Wednesday, March 28, 2012

36 Weeks!

How far along? 36 weeks 2 days, baby has started to measure the same way Henry did, with everything about a week behind and legs a couple of weeks ahead.

Total weight gain/loss: 6 lbs total since first OB app. Eating out a lot since we are in half-move limbo.

Maternity clothes? Maternity tanks no longer cover the belly. If I want full coverage it's got to be Greg's T-shirts.

Sleep: Rough. Getting up to pee an average of four times a night, and hips are out of joint so sleeping on my back even for a short time is out of the question. Luckily I pass out immediately after I get up!
Best moment this week: Folding up little ducky onesies in the baby's new nursery :) AND Dr. said uterine wall is plenty thick to try for a VBAC. I can still get an epidural and they can give me low doses of pitocin during labor to augment, they just can't fully induce before I go into labor by myself.
Movement: Head down so feeling everything high up near my ribs.

Food cravings: Can't eat very much because there's not much room. Actually craving something healthy because of all the take-out.

Gender: No clue. Guy on the street guessed boy.

Labor Signs: Some contractions every day but never regular or painful. Dr. said at Monday's app. that baby's head was very low.

Belly Button in or out? Actually looks less stretched out than before ???

What I miss: Energy. Moving while 8 months pregnant is rough.

What I am looking forward to: I'm dying to know how labor will go this time. I'm really looking forward to trying a vaginal birth.

Weekly Wisdom: Eventually, feeling like a beached whale outweighs all fear of labor pain!

Milestones: Just one week from being full-term!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

What's happening

I'm too tired to write very much. We've been working day and night on our house to have it ready in time to be inspected on Wednesday. I've been scraping windows, caulking holes and painting trim for days. Greg's Dad and sister Rachel are coming to visit, probably getting here late tonight. We are still hoping to move this weekend! A week from tomorrow I see the doctor again, and he should be looking at my scar site (via ultrasound) to see if everything healed well enough for me to do a trial of labor (instead of a repeat C-section). I'm not really thinking about the fact that we are about to become a family of four, I'm just trying to survive this move. I swear the next time we move we are hiring movers. My computer was on the brink of not functioning anymore, and then Henry dropped it off of a table. While I was working at the house Greg took Henry out and came home with a Macbook Air! Normally I'd be stressed about spending so much, but honestly, I'm about to push out a baby and feel just the tiniest bit entitled. :)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Pregnancy Insanity

Call it nesting, pregnancy anxiety, or just plain maniacal behavior. For the past few weeks I've been obsessively cleaning, packing, doing projects for the new apartment, and driving everyone nuts with my OCD. I have to fold all the laundry a certain way, pre-wash all the dishes, re-do everything the cleaning lady did after she leaves, and vacuum like three times a day. Normally I'm just mildly panicked about the grossness of my house, but recently the constant toy explosion is really driving me up the wall. I packed all but Henry's very favorite toys and books because I couldn't keep up with all the cleaning and sorting and bending over to put stuff away.

At the same time I'm starting to get tired again, so I'll often go crazy organizing or cleaning for a few hours and then completely pass out on the couch while Henry watches Cinderella for the 500th time. It would be nice if we had a definite date for moving so I could plan ahead, but I'm not sure exactly which weekend it's going to be so I'm sort of stuck. As soon as I get my camera functioning I'll post pictures of the art I made for Henry/baby's room, Mercy's room, and the curtains I made for our new dining room!