Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Feelin' Yucky.

Bleh. I am not on my way to evidence class like I should be. I woke up today 20 minutes late with the alarm in my hand. I must have turned it off in my sleep. On Sunday I thought I was feeling better and decided to try some chinese food. Bad. Idea. I started throwing up and didn't stop until last night. At one point I was throwing up so much so fast that I couldn't breath. My face was bright red and when I finally stopped and looked in the mirror, I had a bunch of tiny red spots all around my eyes. I'm thinking I might have broken capillaries? Also my eye was itchy last night, so I took out my contacts, today I'm pretty sure I have an eye infection. Since this week is obviously not going to be a power week, here is what I absolutely must get done:

1) Finish Ap Ad Brief and turn in today at 4. Explain to teacher why I haven't been to class in a week.

2) Finish bluebooking journal note by Friday night.

3) Do other journal assignment by Thursday night.

4) Get form to be RA this summer, fill out and give to Kaye by Wed.

5) Get application for IRS externship, fill out and give to Kaye by Wed.

6) Optional: read corporate tax for this week.

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