1) Sock Monkeys! - specifically, dark wood furniture, red and cream walls, and cute sock monkey bedding. Very retro feeling. Another pro: it matches the brown/red carseat, highchair, packinplay, and stroller I registered for. My down side was that all the baby stuff that is required would just clash and look really weird. There's no way I could be that clean and organized to hide all of those rainbow-colored bouncy seats and exersaucers. Also this bedding is a little out of my price range, and the fabric is also pricy, even if I had the time to sew my own bedding. Additionally, someone informed me that "sock monkey" is a racial slur. Were they just pulling my leg?

2) Blue and Orange/Goldfish in Bags - I got this idea from a blanket I bought on etsy. It has that Heather Ross fabric with the little bags of goldfish. From there I thought I could just do a very light, clean blue and a sort of rusty but not too bright orange. This was Greg's favorite idea. He said fish are macho! My problem: too much of a committment. I never liked orange, so even though this is really cute, I'd probably have to live with at least one orange wall for longer than I'd want to.

3) Barn Dance - This is not so much an idea, as me just being too lazy/uncreative to come up with a unique theme and instead to register for a crib set and accessories like everyone else. However, the set is really cute and different. It's not pastel or super-babyish. And I think I could do a lot with the farm/barn theme for a little boy's room too. Also, it's not so monochromatic that it would look terrible when littered with atrociously colored toys. But also not so cheesy that it couldn't be classy when cleaned up. The down side: Someone else might have it!

** Update: **
We eventually went with the sock monkeys! My Dad painted the nursery walls a deep red on top, and wide tan and cream stripes on the bottom and added white chair rail to match the rest of the trim. I registered for bright red sheets and changing pad covers.
I found this adorable sock monkey fabric for a reasonable price on ebay, and stitched up some valances and a bumper, with a coordinating dust ruffle. I'm planning on making a matching blanket for Henry as soon as I can find the time!
I also found some little knock-off paintings similar to the ones in the picture above on ebay, and will hang them soon. For the guest bed I bought dark brown bamboo sheets, a plain white quilt and shams, and a brown and red throw pillows at Target. The light bed really brightens up an otherwise dark room.
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