Bleh. I am not on my way to evidence class like I should be. I woke up today 20 minutes late with the alarm in my hand. I must have turned it off in my sleep. On Sunday I thought I was feeling better and decided to try some chinese food. Bad. Idea. I started throwing up and didn't stop until last night. At one point I was throwing up so much so fast that I couldn't breath. My face was bright red and when I finally stopped and looked in the mirror, I had a bunch of tiny red spots all around my eyes. I'm thinking I might have broken capillaries? Also my eye was itchy last night, so I took out my contacts, today I'm pretty sure I have an eye infection. Since this week is obviously not going to be a power week, here is what I absolutely must get done:
1) Finish Ap Ad Brief and turn in today at 4. Explain to teacher why I haven't been to class in a week.
2) Finish bluebooking journal note by Friday night.
3) Do other journal assignment by Thursday night.
4) Get form to be RA this summer, fill out and give to Kaye by Wed.
5) Get application for IRS externship, fill out and give to Kaye by Wed.
6) Optional: read corporate tax for this week.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Prayer Request
I may have mentioned before that a friend of mine is battling leukemia. He was first diagnosed in 2004 and was in remission, but now he is sick again and the only option is to have a bone marrow transplant. You can read about his particular type of leukemia on his website. There is also a button to donate to a fund that will be used to help screen for bone marrow donors and for the bone marrow transplant.
If you are able to give, please consider it. This is definitely a good cause. But even if you unable to give, please pray for Dan. He is engaged to be married, just graduated law school last year, and this is just such an obstacle, as you may well imagine. He could definitely use your prayers.
If you are able to give, please consider it. This is definitely a good cause. But even if you unable to give, please pray for Dan. He is engaged to be married, just graduated law school last year, and this is just such an obstacle, as you may well imagine. He could definitely use your prayers.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
We've made the switch...
to Netflix, that is. For anyone who is unfamiliar with the two main rivals of intermail movie delivery, here is how they work:
Blockbuster online - You pay about $20/month for three movies at a time, and get 5 "in-store" exchanges. That means that 5 times a month, instead of returning your dvd by popping it into the mail, you bring it to the store and exchange it for a movie in the store. It's still like returning the movie by mail, except they acknowledge receipt as soon as the clerk checks it in, saving you a day.
The benefit to this was mostly that we had an excuse to leave our home to exchange and then return movies. (An underestimated perk for law students). This was also good for us, because $20/month would be less than the $50/month it would cost to have basic cable. We mostly rented TV shows anyway. Getting movies at the store was not so great, because the store makes it a point to only stock the absolute worst movies ever made.
Netflix - has the same mail delivery dvd system, except that it is cheaper, has better movies available, does not lie and say that it has a movie and then not deliver it to you for a year, does not send you broken dvds several times in a row, and has an easy-to-find number to call. Oh, and you can download some movies onto your computer for no extra charge!
So what was the last straw that made us switch? BB changed its in-store exchange policy, without telling us in any way, so that now when you return a movie to the store and take out new movies, you have to drive back to the store and return those movies before they will send you new ones!
Needless to say, once we realized what was going on, Dreamboat sent them a short email canceling our service. I think he signed off with "See you in bankruptcy court."
Sometimes I don't know why I didn't go into business.
Blockbuster online - You pay about $20/month for three movies at a time, and get 5 "in-store" exchanges. That means that 5 times a month, instead of returning your dvd by popping it into the mail, you bring it to the store and exchange it for a movie in the store. It's still like returning the movie by mail, except they acknowledge receipt as soon as the clerk checks it in, saving you a day.
The benefit to this was mostly that we had an excuse to leave our home to exchange and then return movies. (An underestimated perk for law students). This was also good for us, because $20/month would be less than the $50/month it would cost to have basic cable. We mostly rented TV shows anyway. Getting movies at the store was not so great, because the store makes it a point to only stock the absolute worst movies ever made.
Netflix - has the same mail delivery dvd system, except that it is cheaper, has better movies available, does not lie and say that it has a movie and then not deliver it to you for a year, does not send you broken dvds several times in a row, and has an easy-to-find number to call. Oh, and you can download some movies onto your computer for no extra charge!
So what was the last straw that made us switch? BB changed its in-store exchange policy, without telling us in any way, so that now when you return a movie to the store and take out new movies, you have to drive back to the store and return those movies before they will send you new ones!
Needless to say, once we realized what was going on, Dreamboat sent them a short email canceling our service. I think he signed off with "See you in bankruptcy court."
Sometimes I don't know why I didn't go into business.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
If money were no object....
I would be able to pay for a bone marrow transplant for Dan, a friend who graduated from law school last year. He was our next door neighbor. It's going to cost over 550 thousand!
I would arrange to move into a cute little house in August, instead of scouring craigslist for a 3 bedroom in our price range.
I would buy babybyrdie a nice crib.
I would hire a maid to do the laundry while I lay on the couch and read blogs.
I would arrange to move into a cute little house in August, instead of scouring craigslist for a 3 bedroom in our price range.
I would buy babybyrdie a nice crib.
I would hire a maid to do the laundry while I lay on the couch and read blogs.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
We're Having........
A blob!
Poor babybyrdie was too blurry to get a measurement. But the Dr. thinks that he might be a little younger and the due date might be a little later than October 22, like we thought initially. This makes my Mom excited (what doesn't make her excited these days?) because the baby just might be born on her birthday.
Oh well, at least we know one thing - there was only one baby in there!
A blob!
Poor babybyrdie was too blurry to get a measurement. But the Dr. thinks that he might be a little younger and the due date might be a little later than October 22, like we thought initially. This makes my Mom excited (what doesn't make her excited these days?) because the baby just might be born on her birthday.
Oh well, at least we know one thing - there was only one baby in there!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Not Me Monday
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
Sneaking in my not-me post in the last hour:
I did not secretly fantasize about having twins today. I realize one baby will be hard enough to handle, even if it meant I could legitimately buy adorable matching brother-sister twin outfits.
I did not realize this weekend that I could no longer take off my wedding and engagement rings. I furthermore did not get sad to think that they might never really fit again. Getting your wedding band resized is not a moral failing worthy of shame and grief.
I did not buy two pairs of maternity jeans online. I shouldn't even be thinking about spending money on maternity clothes at this point.
I did not wear said maternity jeans to class because I liked the stretchy waistband, it's way too early to be showing, and there is no justification for that.
I did not long to tell everyone in the world that I'm pregnant. That would be silly since it's so early and we haven't even been to the doctor yet.
Since this post is about my embarrassing confessions this week, I've also been thinking about some of the awesome things my husband has done for me lately. Here is just a short list of little things he has done to be loving:
1) He went shopping at the outlets to look at baby clothes with me, even though he hates shopping and had a huge paper to write.
2) He doesn't get annoyed that my upset tummy makes me less cuddly than usual.
3) He's been getting me food when I lay on the couch in a pregnant stupor.
4) He walked to school in the cold tonight to meet me as I got out of class and to carry my bookbag. I said "Thank you for carrying my books", and he said "Thank you for carrying my baby".
What a sweetie.
Sneaking in my not-me post in the last hour:
I did not secretly fantasize about having twins today. I realize one baby will be hard enough to handle, even if it meant I could legitimately buy adorable matching brother-sister twin outfits.
I did not realize this weekend that I could no longer take off my wedding and engagement rings. I furthermore did not get sad to think that they might never really fit again. Getting your wedding band resized is not a moral failing worthy of shame and grief.
I did not buy two pairs of maternity jeans online. I shouldn't even be thinking about spending money on maternity clothes at this point.
I did not wear said maternity jeans to class because I liked the stretchy waistband, it's way too early to be showing, and there is no justification for that.
I did not long to tell everyone in the world that I'm pregnant. That would be silly since it's so early and we haven't even been to the doctor yet.
Since this post is about my embarrassing confessions this week, I've also been thinking about some of the awesome things my husband has done for me lately. Here is just a short list of little things he has done to be loving:
1) He went shopping at the outlets to look at baby clothes with me, even though he hates shopping and had a huge paper to write.
2) He doesn't get annoyed that my upset tummy makes me less cuddly than usual.
3) He's been getting me food when I lay on the couch in a pregnant stupor.
4) He walked to school in the cold tonight to meet me as I got out of class and to carry my bookbag. I said "Thank you for carrying my books", and he said "Thank you for carrying my baby".
What a sweetie.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Just one more class on Friday stands between me and family vacation! Unfortunately, the class is Evidence and it is my group's turn to explain the cases.
Friday is also the day of the Newark St. Patrick's Day Parade (because of the booming Irish population in Newark), which means that we have to get our car out before the parade starts or we'll never get to leave.

But I have a game plan in mind. Bags packed and in the car, Greg waiting for me outside the school. I will do a fabulous job in class and then race outside to freedom!
Smorgasboard, here I come!

Outlet mall, here I come!

Hot tub, I might dip my feet in you since pregnant people can't go in!
Friday is also the day of the Newark St. Patrick's Day Parade (because of the booming Irish population in Newark), which means that we have to get our car out before the parade starts or we'll never get to leave.

But I have a game plan in mind. Bags packed and in the car, Greg waiting for me outside the school. I will do a fabulous job in class and then race outside to freedom!
Smorgasboard, here I come!

Outlet mall, here I come!

Hot tub, I might dip my feet in you since pregnant people can't go in!

Monday, March 9, 2009
Not Me Monday
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
I did not fail to do any homework over spring break. I had a whole week off and I would never pass up an opportunity to catch up with all of my classes.
I did not ogle overpriced baby items online in lieu of doing said homework.
I did not go into two different Marshall's to drool over teeny tiny designer outfits at rock bottom prices. I don't even know the gender yet, so it would be silly to think about clothes.
I did not procrastinate finishing my journal note until the last minute and end up turning it in 3 hours late (at 3am). I also did not watch episodes of season 2 of Alias on dvd and High School Musical 3 the same day my note was due.
I did not buy a Sunday paper and cut out 10 thousand coupons with the intention of being a coupon wizard, then go home because I was too exhausted to go grocery shopping.
I did NOT have a dream about having twins. Oh dear.
I did not fail to do any homework over spring break. I had a whole week off and I would never pass up an opportunity to catch up with all of my classes.
I did not ogle overpriced baby items online in lieu of doing said homework.
I did not go into two different Marshall's to drool over teeny tiny designer outfits at rock bottom prices. I don't even know the gender yet, so it would be silly to think about clothes.
I did not procrastinate finishing my journal note until the last minute and end up turning it in 3 hours late (at 3am). I also did not watch episodes of season 2 of Alias on dvd and High School Musical 3 the same day my note was due.
I did not buy a Sunday paper and cut out 10 thousand coupons with the intention of being a coupon wizard, then go home because I was too exhausted to go grocery shopping.
I did NOT have a dream about having twins. Oh dear.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Prayer Request
If anyone reads this blog, will you please pray for my friend Trouwbottom's little niece. She is very sick and we don't know what's wrong yet. You can read about it here.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
So my final* draft of my note is done and submitted! Now I can tell my secret. I'm PREGNANT!
I know. I'm in law school. I know. I live in an apartment in Newark. I know. I am completely unprepared to have this baby.
And I know that this was not exactly a part of my life plan, at least right now. But I guess sometimes God has bigger and better plans than we do. So I am just going to do my best to trust that God will provide for us. We obviously have to move, I am trusting the Lord to provide a place for us to live. We will have to get good paying jobs this summer, even though the only ones available are unpaid internships. I know God will take care of us. I will have to figure out how to manage school and family. This one might just be the toughest, but I know that with the Lord's help, I can do this!
I'm so excited right now, it's going to be hard to focus on getting through this semester. One more week until we go to the doctor! We should be able to hear the heartbeat on the ultrasound by then - how wild is that?
I know. I'm in law school. I know. I live in an apartment in Newark. I know. I am completely unprepared to have this baby.
And I know that this was not exactly a part of my life plan, at least right now. But I guess sometimes God has bigger and better plans than we do. So I am just going to do my best to trust that God will provide for us. We obviously have to move, I am trusting the Lord to provide a place for us to live. We will have to get good paying jobs this summer, even though the only ones available are unpaid internships. I know God will take care of us. I will have to figure out how to manage school and family. This one might just be the toughest, but I know that with the Lord's help, I can do this!
I'm so excited right now, it's going to be hard to focus on getting through this semester. One more week until we go to the doctor! We should be able to hear the heartbeat on the ultrasound by then - how wild is that?
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