Saturday, September 25, 2010

WhY aM I WrItInG LiKe tHiS?

After about 2 weeks of staying home with Henry while Greg goes off to work, I can honestly say that I'm lovin' this housewife life. Sure, the chores are repetitive and sometimes I long for someone to talk to (who will talk to me in actual words). But spending all day with my son has given me the opportunity to do some of the things I really love. I don't feel guilty when we take a long walk. I don't feel rushed when he hands me the same book three times in a row. I can sleep in as late as Henry does (which is sometimes 10!), and better yet, I can stay up late writing. I'm not too exhausted to cook dinner, and I don't feel the need to eat junk food to deal with the stress in my life. In fact, without any plan to diet or work out, the weight I gained in law school is practically melting off. I even get to read a book now and then, just for fun. While my house is usually in a state of chaos, I know that it won't be a month before I have time to clean the bathroom. I know that I won't have to worry about telling someone else every detail about how to take care of Henry, because I make the bottles, I change the diapers, I put him down for naps.

I guess the bigger question is: will I ever be able to go back to the world I left?

Because Greg just fixed my shift key. Henry pried it off a couple of months ago and we just found it under our bed. It feels good to be able to capitalize at whim.

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