Christmas is a very big deal around here, and Christmas presents are always abundant. (I know, it's not about that...). While I enjoy a nice pile of stuff on Christmas morning, I hate when I get a gift that I don't want, and that my family didn't really want to get me, but they felt obligated to buy just because it was Christmas. That's why last year when my mom asked me what I wanted I politely asked if she could just give me the cash she would have spent on my gifts so that I could use it for things I really needed (mom jeans to replace my maternity clothes, an estate tax text book, a gas bill, you get the drift). My mom was happy to avoid shopping, and I was happy to get a gift I actually needed. But... I have to say that there is something about that feeling of excitement when you see a box under the tree with your name on it and you don't know what's inside.
So this year I suggested that we make Amazon wish lists for Christmas. That way we're not buying each other a bunch of useless crap nobody wants (instead likely we'll be buying useless crap that we do want).
What's on my wish list? Some dishes that I love, some uggs, a bag, some books for Henry, a ridiculously nice camera that no one will be able to afford (but I can dream can't I?)
Some of these things are practical, others show what I really like, but all in all, the list doesn't really capture what I need right now. If I was to make a wish list just for today, this is what would be on it:
1) a maid!
2) a massage
3) someone to take Henry to go get his shots/some painless way of getting his shots
4) professional servers to work at my sister's baby shower
5) an office to retreat to in my house
6) someone to vacuum out my car
7) an otherwise harmless parasite that would cause me to suddenly drop 20 lbs.
8) a day all to myself
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