Saturday, January 8, 2011

Starting a Law Practice

My husband and I are officially starting a law partnership in September 2011. In order to make this happen without going into even more debt, we will need to put some serious moulah in the bank before then.

This is where my new solo practice comes in. Yes, that's right. Grace S. Byrd, Esq. will be up and running, God willing, by February 1st. I'm writing up my business plan as we speak. I registered with the state and got a tax id number. I'm going back to TDBank tomorrow to finalize my business and trust accounts.

To start out I'm just going to advertise to do people's taxes to meet more potential clients. Then I'm going to go to every CLE class that I can afford to figure out how to actually practice law. (What? You didn't pick that up in law school?). Then I'm going to take every lawyer I know out to lunch and hound them for advice. Finally, I might end up taking some pool cases (the cases that the public defenders are too busy to take.)

Come hell or high water (or a baby who refuses to nap) I am going to practice some law!

God help me.


Trouwbottom said...

If I need a lawyer, you'll be my first phone call!!!!!

kate hopper said...

Good luck! I look forward to hearing how it all goes.

And thank you for following me at Mother Words!
