Sunday, July 24, 2011

Weight Loss Plan

I've never been skinny, except maybe for about five minutes in kindergarten or something. And I've pretty much always felt overweight, even when I was around the normal weight range for my height. I've done weight watchers in the past, the first time I was probably like 16. I've been thinner and heavier in cycles depending on the outside circumstances. It's just been something that I feel like I either have no control over or I just don't care enough about to change. The funny thing is, when I was pregnant I had no problem whatsoever eating healthy food, giving up the junk that I normally feel I can't live without. I could do it when there was a purpose, when it wasn't just about looking a certain way. I actually lost weight when I was pregnant.

Law school, not so much. Hours of studying on the couch and subsisting on take-out led to massive weight gain. A couple of weeks ago I found a picture of myself in Bolivia, it was from four years ago, just a month or two before Greg and I got engaged. I weighed about 60 lbs less than I do today. At the time I felt so fat. But now looking back I wish I could just be that weight again.

After I took the bar last summer, weight started to fly off. I guess just not being stressed helped me shed pounds without really trying. This spring I hit a plateau. I kept thinking the law school weight would just keep coming off since I wasn't there anymore, but the number on the scale was not going down anymore. I hemmed and hawed. I didn't want to spend money that I don't have on weight watchers or a gym membership. I don't want to go on a diet for a while just to gain all the weight back when I stop.

So I started researching to find a diet/nutrition plan that I could do for the rest of my life. I found this little 8 week diet plan on a website that sells workout dvds. The high protein, fewer carbs thing hadn't worked for me when I tried to crash diet before my wedding, but I decided to give it a try now that my life is not as stressful. I found that the diet really "worked". That is, I'm not hungry, I don't feel resentful and deprived, I'm getting good nutrition, and I lost 4 pounds in the first two weeks without even doing the workouts.

My initial plan was to do the workouts too, but with some of the health issues I've been having lately I'm not supposed to raise my blood pressure. I also didn't always eat as many veggies as you are supposed to and generally cheat on the weekend. Even when I cheat and have dessert though, I keep track of all the calories on fitday. The reason I'm trying to stay flexible with it is because I don't want to keep the diet perfectly for a while and then decide it's too hard. I want to genuinely change the way I'm eating so I can maintain a healthy weight forever.

So what do you think? Anyone want to join me?


Trouwbottom said...

I'm in. I'm so embarrassed about the weight I regained after my WLS that I just gain more and more (makes no sense I know). I'm going to go back to my 5 Day Pouch Test diet, and then stay on it for Day 6. Basically it is high protein, low carb too, so we can do it together, swap recipes, etc. Did you see Courtney's weight loss? She did high protein as well. We can do this Grace!!!!

prettybyrdie said...

Ugh. I was doing so well but now I've been laying in bed all weekend because of my face surgery. My goal for this week is to stay on the diet even though I can't exercise. I'm praying I still lose this week because I really need to keep up the motivation.