Sunday, March 18, 2012

What's happening

I'm too tired to write very much. We've been working day and night on our house to have it ready in time to be inspected on Wednesday. I've been scraping windows, caulking holes and painting trim for days. Greg's Dad and sister Rachel are coming to visit, probably getting here late tonight. We are still hoping to move this weekend! A week from tomorrow I see the doctor again, and he should be looking at my scar site (via ultrasound) to see if everything healed well enough for me to do a trial of labor (instead of a repeat C-section). I'm not really thinking about the fact that we are about to become a family of four, I'm just trying to survive this move. I swear the next time we move we are hiring movers. My computer was on the brink of not functioning anymore, and then Henry dropped it off of a table. While I was working at the house Greg took Henry out and came home with a Macbook Air! Normally I'd be stressed about spending so much, but honestly, I'm about to push out a baby and feel just the tiniest bit entitled. :)

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