Thursday, August 4, 2011

Five Week Weigh-In

(I know I just did the four week, but it was a little late, today is actually five weeks.)

I am down 10 lbs. even. Today I am seeing it just a little, mostly in my face and around my ribcage. I was planning on giving myself a little reward for this, but money is kind of tight right now and I'm still feeling pretty motivated, so I guess when I hit 15 lbs. I'll go get a pedicure.

I cheated too much last week, went out to eat too often, and had too much dessert. Did you know one serving of salad at Olive Garden contains 26 grams of fat? Salad! Eating out is so not worth it. I'd love to recount all the other ways I messed up this week, but I have to go take Henry to the doctor :(

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