Sunday, August 7, 2011

What's on the Agenda

Selling our car and possibly buying a van,

Moving Greg into his new office and getting him ready to start his own practice,

Figuring out how to make it through those first few months with no money,

Getting Henry to go to sleep in his new bed without having to drive him around for an hour,

Supporting my sister and parents as they take out a mortgage and completely overhaul my childhood home, with the hope that we will be able to move in once the renovations are done,

Preparing to do Tot School with Henry this year,

Going to training classes to become a certified resource family (foster parents),

Trying to continue to eat healthy and steadily lose weight,

Preparing for Greg's Mom's wedding in September,

Trying to fit in room for my spiritual life in the midst of utter chaos and constant change.

Writing is not even on this list because there is just no way. Sigh.


Our Family said...

You missed something...supporting my family and walking on Team Bradley on October 1st. I know you will be there to support us, right?

Rebecca Courtney said...

Luke has trouble in his tot bed also, so we started a routine. We tuck in with the same thomas blanket and use the same water cup. We read two bible stories at bedtime and one at nap time. We then say prayers or 'amen.' He made the transition into a bed great and even into living full time at Danny's house. Maybe something like that will work for Henry?

Also I have a good friend who does foster care if you need any help let me know I am sure she would be willing to help if she can!
Hope to see you soon!