Thursday, August 11, 2011

Six Week Weigh In

Down 12 lbs.

I was afraid I wouldn't lose anything this week because my husband has the week off and we've been eating out a lot, and hanging out with friends which makes dieting a lot harder for me.

I guess the key to eating out for me has been avoiding red meat, potatoes, and salad dressing. I try to order something that avoids those categories but sounds really good so that I don't feel deprived or left out, and then eat a smaller portion. Last night I ordered a gourmet pizza and ate two small slices; the other day at Panera I ate half of the small BBQ chicken salad. I also try to reduce calories the rest of the day if I know we are going out.

Some "superfoods" (very healthy foods I turn to to make up for eating some not so healthy foods).

1) Tuna fish - tons of protein, hardly any fat, no carbs. I make a can with 1 tbs. of low-fat mayo, a little relish, and then eat it with...
2) Wasa crispbread - 45 calories each, giant delicious crackers that put some crunch into every bite.
3) Low-fat mozzerella string cheese - about 5 grams of fat, but so filling that they can get you through until the next meal, and low carb.
4) Grilled chicken marinated in light dressing - so filling and delicious.
5) Jello - no lie, this has no nutritional value whatsoever, but if you have a sweet tooth the little bit of aspartame in the sugar-free cups of jello can take the edge off when really dessert is not an option. Fruit is better, but not always readily available.
6) Along the same lines, Chocolate cocoa mix prepared with water or skim milk. This satisfies my chocolate cravings without the fat and calories of real chocolate. With skim milk I get a way to extinguish the fires of heartburn.
7) Fresh lemons - squeezed into my diet coke, floating in my ice water, spritzed on my grilled chicken, something about having a bowl of fresh lemons is a cheap way to make you feel indulged. Feeling indulged is the opposite of feeling deprived, and deprivation is the diet killer.

What foods do you turn to when you need to make up for too much social eating?

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