Tuesday, February 10, 2009

To Do List

Here is what I will be doing in the next two weeks:

1 pre-final draft Note: 25 pages to edit
1 extra journal assignment: 22 footnotes to bluebook
1 Appellate Advocacy Brief to write: 15-20 pages
1 Moot Court Competition to Prepare for (Oral Argument that I will be doing with my husband, single round elimination and if I stink I ruin his chances to get on the team)
1 VITA tax training certification test to study for and pass
1 Persuasion and Advocacy Direct and Cross Examination to Prepare (Questions for Witnesses)
3 other classes to read and prepare for (2 of which are taught by professors who know my name and call on me every day)
OCI resumes to submit, employers to pick for interviews
1 holiday to celebrate (valentines day)

And if I really want to make an impression, I should really research a question that my tax professor asked me about, so I can score some points, since she is basically in charge of who gets tax internships at our school.

Noticeably absent from this list are working out, cooking meals, or showering. See you in March people.

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